Customer Testimonials

As thousands of pet owners can attest, when you purchase a DogWatch product, you get peace of mind along with the full support of the DogWatch family. You want your pet to have the best. And so do we!


Cooper is doing great on the fence! One week and he is trained and loving running in the yard. I can’t tell you how much I love the fence, and how impressed I was with your installation, explanations, and training…put me down as one HAPPY customer!

Nancy and Cooper

Orange, MA

One of the things you can’t easily quantify or put words to, but is by far the most important point to mention, is the increase in Mollie’s quality of life. From the moment the system was installed, she has truly been happier all around. My only wish is that we had done this sooner… Mollie knows her boundaries, and given the flexibility of the DogWatch system, she now has a great space to run and play. I would recommend (and already have) this system to anyone and everyone with a dog- it’s no comparison to the alternatives… this is the way to go hands down.

Peter, Julianne, and Mollie

Hadley, MA

This fence has been absolutely wonderful!

Judy and Maggie

Monson, MA

DogWatch of Western Mass was the best thing that ever happened for our pets. We highly recommend DogWatch for all your pets: the system gives them the freedom to be themselves…is very cost effective considering the cost of fencing in a yard. We are still free to enjoy the views of our yard without any obstructions, and enjoy watching our dogs run and play.

Jane, Randy, Lindsay and Brandy

Ware, MA

I am writing to thank you for all your efforts in getting our Hidden Fence installed and training our pup Rocco. Your timeliness and professionalism is a rarity in today’s business world; please know it did not go unnoticed. Jeff and I appreciate all you did for us to get Rocco “up and running” in his Hidden Fence areas. Thank you for taking over for another company who does not possess the same morals and ideals you do.

Alana Cullington


We are all so happy with the DogWatch System. Our golden retriever Bonnie loves her freedom and seemed to understand from the beginning that her new collar would improve her quality of life…even though we live on a quiet road, before we had our DogWatch system installed, she felt the need to visit everyone on foot, in cars, or on horseback. It’s a relief not to worry about that anymore. The DogWatch of Western Mass staff have been very supportive and will do ‘what it takes’ to get a dog trained. They made the whole process easy and fun. They truly make the effort and stand behind the product.

Joy, Norm, and Bonnie

Conway, MA

I was amazed when Linda called a month after installing the fence just to make sure the product was meeting all my expectations. Customer service at its finest!! Since we had this fence installed, my dog has not left the yard once and he has had many temptations to do so!! I can’t believe I can actually leave my dog outside alone and when I come home, he is sitting right there waiting for me. If you care about your dog and don’t want to chain him or put him in a dog pen, you really should consider getting a DogWatch underground fence!! Thank you Linda!!

Madge Moran


Annie, our smooth collie, is like a new dog since you installed our DogWatch System. It took just three days to train Annie, and everyone in the family is happier; especially Annie. She has the freedom to run as she pleases and at the same time, she is safe, and we have peace of mind.

Beth and Annie

Gill, MA

Sonsy continues to be a happier, healthier dog thanks to your system.

Mari and Sonsy

Holyoke, MA

Thank you do much for installing our DogWatch Fence! It’s only beeen a week and a half and Lady has been off her leash in the yard all weekend, and is doing great. It’s amazing how fast she learned her boundaries. I must say that it was money well spent, and the peace of mind that she will stay in the yard is… priceless.

Peg and Lady

Gill, MA

Well, all three dogs are pretty much with the program! Yesterday there were all in the yard, and I had to run out to the garbage truck- always a BIG attraction for them. Even though the truck was idling right outside our driveway and I was over the fence line, they respected the fence completely and didn’t even bark more than once or twice. So it is really working! It’s been a pleasure meeting you and doing business. I really appreciate the energy, integrity and obvious care for your customers that your bring to your enterprise. Please do not hesitate to use us for a reference.


Bob, Bert, Rocky and Maize

Pelham, MA

The fence is working wonderfully well. Sam learned quickly and he is well contained! Thanks for a great job!


Kathy and Sam

Longmeadow, MA

We’ve had our DogWatch fence for about a year-and-a-half now, and we highly recommend Doug and his team! We have two acres fenced with two stream crossings, and our dogs love the freedom. Our mixed-breed lab/hound and boxer/hound were very different to train, so we were very grateful to have Linda come three times to help teach them. When we had a wire break (likely due to a rodent chew), Doug came out and fixed it before our dogs had a clue that it was down. We’re so glad we chose DogWatch of Eastern Connecticut!

Karen & Edson Q